Access Level FAQs

Account Administrator  - Account Administrator users can add account users and assign access levels to each user. They may also update the Account Information and User's information. They also can view financial transactions about the account. Account Administrator users are also able to update their profile information.

Full Access - Full Access users may only update the account information other than User Information. Full Access users also can view financial transactions about the account. Full Access users only can update their profile information.

Display Only - Display Only users can view the account Information other than User Information. They can also view financial transactions about the account. Display Only users only can update their profile information. 

VSS Account Administrators can assign a Primary Access Level (i.e. Account Administrator, Full Access, or Display Only) and Optional Access Levels.

ColoradoVSS allows only one Primary VSS Account Administrator, however, a vendor can have multiple account administrators.

Yes, you will be listed as the VSS Account Administrator unless there are other additional users being added to the account.  If you have additional users being added to the account you can assign their access level.

The Primary Account Administrator is responsible for granting account access to other individuals in their organization, can designate another individual to perform the role of the Primary Account Administrator, is the primary point of contact to receive all emails related to your account status, and the primary point of contact for other individuals in your organization requesting account access or a password reset.

Only an Account Administrator has the ability to modify access levels, locked status, or email notifications.

Each user must be assigned only one Primary Access Level.  Optional Access Levels are optional and a user can have multiple optional access levels assigned to them.

This means a ColoradoVSS User ID has already been established for this account.  You will need to click on the link to display the account contact information.  You will need to contact this person for assistance with accessing this account.