Tax Identification Number FAQs

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Unfortunately, you will not be able to update your Federal Tax ID for your existing VSS account. If you have been issued a new Federal Tax ID, you will need to navigate to and register your organization again with the new Federal Tax ID. Once you have registered your company with the new Federal Tax ID, you will want to contact the VSS Support Center ( and request for the former account to be discontinued. You will need to provide the following information:

Legal Business Name:

Former Federal Tax ID Number:

Please note:  If we discontinue your account, any payments to you after the discontinuation date will not be able to be processed. 

Foreign Vendors without a US-issued TIN are unable to register on the ColoradoVSS website at this time. You can still review solicitations posted by the State of Colorado by using the View Published Solicitations button located on the upper right-hand corner of the home page and/or respond to those solicitations without being registered online. If you are a foreign vendor and do have a US-issued TIN (ITIN or EIN), please follow the New Vendor ColoradoVSS Registration job aid located on the New Vendor Registration Instructions page.

You will want to send an email to the VSS Support Center ( and provide your Legal Business Name and Federal Tax ID so that we can research and provide feedback. 

You will want to send an email to the VSS Support Center ( and provide your Legal Business Name and Federal Tax ID so that we can research and provide feedback. 

The TIN Type you will select for your organization will be based on how you plan to do business with the State of Colorado.  If you will be doing business using a Federal Tax ID number for your organization, you will want to select I will use my entity's Employer Identification Number (EIN).  If you will be doing business as an Individual, you will want to select I will use a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Adoptive Identification Number (ATIN). If you select this option as your TIN type, you will need to be sure to select whether you have an SSN, ITIN, or ATIN that you will be providing. The best practice is to refer to your most recent W9 for this information.


No, a DUNS Number is not required when creating an account with ColoradoVSS. 

A UEI is a government-provided number, like a tax ID number, used to identify businesses eligible for federal grants, awards, and contracts. Note: In April 2022, the federal government replaced its old identifier of choice, the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, with a Unique Entity ID issued by