New Vendor Registration
(For Foreign Vendors)


These instructions describe the steps for Vendors who will be doing business with the State as a Foreign vendor.

To register with ColoradoVSS as a Foreign Vendor that has been issued a US TIN (ITIN or EIN) and would like to do business with the State of Colorado, follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to

2. Select Sign Up.

VSS Sign Up

3. Read over the Memorandum of Agreement. Once you’ve reviewed the terms, choose Accept Terms to continue with registration, or Reject Terms to return to the main page.

Memorandum of Agreement

4. Read over and select Next on the Registration Tips page.  Select Next

5. Enter User ID, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Password, Confirm Password, Security Question, Security Answer, Confirm Security Answer, and Email.

Colorado VSS Sign Up

6a. Select Continue

Completed User Sign Up screen

6b. Click Send to send the One Time Access Code email.

Sign In Verification
Access Code email

6c. Enter the one time Access Code from the email and click Verify.

Access Code entry

7. Search for Existing Account 

a. Click the appropriate Search Type, enter the US Issued Taxpayer Identification Number and Legal Business Name

b. Select Search

Search for Existing Account

8. Complete the Account Information page 

a. Enter the following fields under the Account Information section:

Organization Type, 1099 Classification, Taxpayer ID Number Type, Taxpayer ID Number, Company Name, Healthcare Provider,

Business Name(Optional), and Name on Check(Optional)

b. Enter the following fields under the Tax Return Address section: 

Address, City, State, and Zip Code

Click on the Continue button 

Business or Individual Registration

9. Complete the Address Information Page 

 a. Enter the following fields under the Primary Address section:

Required fields should auto-populate, optionally enter other fields

 b. Use the above address for the following address types section:

  Uncheck boxes for Ordering, Payment, and Billing if needed.

Registration Address

10. Complete the Primary Contact section:

  a. Required fields should auto-populate, optionally enter other fields

b. Use above contact for below address types section:

Uncheck boxes for Ordering, Payment, and Billing if needed.

c. Click on the Continue button 

Registration Contact

11. Complete the Business Information Page 

 a. Select Verify My Locations by

b. Optionally enter information in the following section:

    Organizational Information

Location and Organization information

12. Add Commodities - This is optional to complete at the time of your registration or you may choose to add commodity codes later. 

Click on the Find Commodity/Service Codes button under the Commodities section 

Choose Commodities 

Browse by Commodity/Service 

Code or Commodity Description and check the box next to at least 1 commodity code in the Grid

Click on the OK button 

When a solicitation is published using a commodity code that is saved to your VSS account, you will be notified via email.  Therefore, they are highly recommended.

Find Commodity button
Commodity Search

13. Add Business Type - This information is optional. You are not required to provide your certification number or active dates. This can be completed at a later time.

Click on the Find Business Types button under the Business Types section 

Choose Business Types 

Check the box next to at least 1 business type in the Grid

Click on the OK button

Click on the Continue button

Find Business Types button
Find Business Type

14. Review Summary Information Page 

Read all information and verify data was entered correctly 

Submit Vendor Registration 

Click on the Submit Registration button and a vendor code will be displayed

Registration Summary
Vendor Code