User FAQs

Yes, they’re able to use the same login credentials. However, it’s recommended that additional users are setup on the account by the VSS Account Administrator.  With creating additional users, the VSS Account Administrator can set up the additional users with separate login credentials as well as decide the access level (NEED TO UPDATE LINK ACCESS LEVEL FAQ CORE 4) they would like for the user to have (example: Account Administrator, Full Access, Display Only).  Please keep in mind that if you are only going to use one login for multiple people in the company, a password reset will need to be requested by the VSS Account Administrator.

To add additional users to the account with separate login credentials, you will want to follow the steps below:

Send an email to  

You will want to contact your ColoradoVSS Account Administrator to be added as an additional user to your organization's VSS account with separate login credentials. The ColoradoVSS Support Center does not have the access or authority to add additional users to a VSS account.